être enchanté de - traduction vers Anglais
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être enchanté de - traduction vers Anglais

Etre et avoir; To be and to have; Etre et Avoir; Être et avoir; To Be and To Have; Être et Avoir; To Be & to Have

être enchanté de      
enamour, enamor


De- is added to a verb in order to change the meaning of the verb to its opposite.
...becoming desensitized to the harmful consequences of violence.
...how to decontaminate industrial waste sites.
De- is added to a noun in order to make it a verb referring to the removal of the thing described by the noun.
I've defrosted the freezer...
The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.


To Be and to Have

To Be and To Have (French: Être et avoir; also the UK title) is a 2002 French documentary film directed by Nicolas Philibert about a small rural school. It was screened as an "Out of Competition" film at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival and achieved commercial success. The film became the subject of an unsuccessful legal action by the school's teacher, who said that he and the children's parents had been misled about the film's intended audience, and that he and the children had been exploited.

The documentary's title translates as "to be and to have", the two auxiliary verbs in the French language. It is about a primary school in the commune of Saint-Étienne-sur-Usson, Puy-de-Dôme, France, the population of which is just over 200. The school has one small class of mixed ages (from four to twelve years), with a dedicated teacher, Mr Lopez, who shows patience and respect for the children as we follow their story through a single school year.

The film won several awards, including the 2003 Sacramento French Film Festival Audience Prize.